In 2011 our area was hit with a forest fire, the Pagami creek fire. On one day it made a run of 16 miles, much further than anyone had thought that it could. This put the fire within 8 miles of our kennel.
Having to face the prospect of evacuation with 100 dogs was very daunting. Fortunately we did not have too in the end.
This gives me great sympathy with the mushers in Alaska who have not been so lucky. Many have had to evacuate in to escape the numerous fires now burning across Alaska. Many have lost their homes and possessions to these fires. As with all mushers the dogs were the most important and instead of loading up possessions they spent the time getting their dogs to safety.
I hope you will consider donating to help them rebuild. Dog mushing is not a great thing to be into if you want to have bank accounts with money. I have included a link to good place to dentate too.
Help the mushers here